Elimination of academic debt
Dear students! According to the order of the Academic and Research Medical Institute No. 0500 p-60, the elimination of academic debt in the discipline “Pathomorphology”
Teachers and P.h.D. students at the Department of Pathology received grants for free participation in international conferences. They presented scientific results at:
Dear students! According to the order of the Academic and Research Medical Institute No. 0500 p-60, the elimination of academic debt in the discipline “Pathomorphology”
Anastasiia DENYSENKO, a PhD student of the Department of Pathology, participated in the 14th International Junior Academy held on August 8-10, 2024, in Budapest, Hungary.
Dear students! The PATHOMORPHOLOGY exam rework will be online on May 2 at 12:00 а.m. Use this link to join: https://sumdu-edu-ua.zoom.us/j/83999187121?pwd=dTlKZ1I3cGg0a3pzUko0c0xla2tRdz09 You should have permission to rework!!!
Ph.D. student of the Department of Pathology Anastasiia DENYSENKO tookpart in the 7th Pannonian Pathology Congress on March 7-9, 2024, in Vienna,Austria.This event occurs once