Elimination of academic debt

Dear students!

According to the order of the Academic and Research Medical Institute No. 0500 p-60, the elimination of academic debt
in the discipline “Pathomorphology” will take place on 01/02/2024 and 01/29/2024,
in the discipline “Fundamentals of Scientific Research in Medicine” on 01/10/2024 and 01/17/2024 at 10:00,
in the elective discipline “Sectional Course” on 01/20/2024 and 02/01/2024 online via the link to your teacher:
Prof. Roman MOSKALENKO: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8477545991?pwd=L2xHYjRUUi9lTEsvM1lYTTljaFJjdz09#success
prof. Anatoliy ROMANIUK https://meet.google.com/oiz-yytm-wjp
Assoc. Prof. Nataliia HYRYAVENKO https://meet.google.com/nsn-fijc-dir
Assist. Anastasiia DENYSENKO https://meet.google.com/vjo-pyvr-ujc